New Chapter
Created by Debbie-Ann 13 years ago
Although we are not with you on this special day,
be assured that out of sight does not mean out of mind-
Our thoughts are always with you.
It seems that you have gone and made your special mark
at another corner of the globe
in the way you’ve always managed to do so well.
Wherever you go, people are endeared to you
and can’t seem to have enough of you.
Of course, I am not in the least bit surprised.
You are kind-hearted, forgiving, humble and gregarious
one of the most genuine individuals we know.
You have such a knack for giving of yourself.
And let’s not forget that you are tall in stature,
not too hard on the eye; and like your off-springs,
are in no way lacking in the gift of gab.
It’s interesting how what goes around comes around.
In your hey day, you were always a Good Samaritan -
sharing your home and family meals with others whose families were away.
You even provided opportunities and means
by training and serving as employer and mentor
to distant relatives and the young adult off-springs of your friends.
And, yes – you were also a motivational speaker and a teacher
and a pretty good one too.
Where shall I begin?
Among the character-forming lessons and values you taught us
were hard-work (industry), an untiring work ethic, love of learning,
low tolerance for mediocrity; fairness and compassion.
Since you were on the road quite a bit -
operating your commuter and tour transport between Kingston and Montego Bay,
you taught us to take care of - and to look out for each other.
Thanks for making it to the PTA meetings, & to the Wolmer’s Prize-Giving Ceremonies,
where I just happened to be a regular award recipient.
These functions are some of my fondest memories as a student.
I recall at times you brought the entire bus crew along with you,
since the only way you could make the events -
was to head directly to the school after your return trips to Kingston.
You were also able to bring together all 5 of your children from three households
without a trace of favoritism or impartiality.
This has taught us early lessons in getting along with others not exactly like ourselves.
Then there were the summer holidays
when you left us lessons to learn as you headed off to your trips -
the Multiplication Tables at the back of the Jamaican ruled “exercise” books;
And selected Bible verses from Pathfinders or the Sabbath School Quarterly;
Or even those times when you shipped us off to our favorite relatives to experience life
in the rural parishes (“country”)– these too were quite memorable.
We both loved and dreaded Wednesdays & Fridays- the days you returned from your trips.
Since these were the times when accounts were given, and in rare instances,
discipline was doled out if there were bad news regarding behavioral matters.
But we mostly loved Wednesdays & Fridays because they meant several things:
bounty from the land by way of oranges, nezberries, sugar cane, mangoes, sweet sop
and other such delights were brought home in loads.
Fridays were really special, since this was the beginning of the weekend
and, for us, it represented family, lots of food, fun, friends, singing and
listening to you read lots of Bible Stories and (E.G. White) Spirit of Prophesy books.
My personal favorite Bible stories include the story of Ruth and Naomi and of Esther.
We also were enraptured by the 2300 Days Prophesy, the story of the Papacy and the Lamb-like Beast; Dawn was so inspired, she created a graphic representation of it.
Our weekends with you were full – both at home and abroad.
They included evangelizing - Branch Sabbath Schools and Bible studies,
where we were often in tow, and served to build out the student audience.
There were visits to see the sick and shut-ins in nursing homes and hospitals–
and it was amazing to see how the old folks and every one else simply adored you.
And much of this love did spill over on us too.
While you attended official departmental meetings on Saturday nights,
you allowed us to participate in church Socials – and these were a ball!
– from the games we played to the coconut cakes & other treats that were served.
And then there were the memory exercises:
from the 13 Sabbath School Lessons memory verses to the 7 Morning Watch verses
and other recitations for Pathfinders and Vacation Bible School
We loved the church outings and road trips - with the 8-track tapes
- the old time gospel songs still play in my head!
And the visits to Joe Gibbs’ restaurant too – oh wasn’t that food awesome!
Saturday Nights were special for many reasons –
chief of which was the unanticipated treats and/or activities we did
Whistling, hot peanuts in shells come to mind; and exotic Ice Cream at Devon House.
To top the weekend off, there were the early Sunday morning dips at Gun Boat Beach!
Today we look back in awe and delight at this tradition.
Thanks for this – we loved it!
You might not have given us everything we wanted, but you gave us what we needed.
We knew that you loved us unconditionally, and gave us all you could.
You taught us everything you knew about God, faith and salvation.
You taught us the values by which we live today -
We are all accomplished in our own fields and have impeccable work ethic,
which we now practice & teach to our own children.
You have given us a love of learning and of books,
and have exposed us to wonderful things and provided us with immense opportunities.
These too have shaped our lives. Thanks for this.
You have planted the seeds, you have watered them.
And like plants, we will grow in our own way and in our own time.
So don’t give up, we continue to strive to be the plants you envisioned.
Happy Father’s Day Daddy!
We Love You.
Debbie-Ann, on behalf of Leighton, Sheryl, Dawn and Paul